A quick project for the workshop: Making a couple of drill bit blocks from some pine timber and using some olive oil to stain it.
I wanted a better solution for my drill bits – the plastic “home DIY” kit thing we bought 15+ years ago has actually done a decent job but it can be a bit fiddly and my olde eyes find it harder to read the numbers on it. Not to mention reading the numbers on the drill bits themselves. Plus it only caters to one of each sized drill bit – not always ideal.
For the video I used some basic pine timber offcuts I picked up at Bunnings for $2. I also used some olive oil to stain the drill blocks. As a “shop project” they probably don’t need finishing – but it was also a good experiment to use some of that timber and see how it came up using the oil as a stain / finish – I thought it looked great!
I’ve been using this now for a few months and it’s been a great addition to the workshop. Certainly helped organising my drill bits and being able to find the right size and special drill bits as needed. Good workshop storage solution.
Learnt a lot of lessons in this one – hope you enjoy the video. Let me know in the comments how you store your drill bits and stuff like this.
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Products featured in this video:
0.9m Pine Shorts: http://bit.ly/PineShorts
Automatic Centre Punch: http://bit.ly/CentrePunch
Cobram Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oil: http://bit.ly/CobramOliveOil
Digital Vernier Calipers: http://bit.ly/VernierCalipers
Ryobi Cordless Drill: http://bit.ly/RyobiDrillKit
Sharpie Ultrafine Marker: http://bit.ly/SharpieUltra
Gear I Use To Film:
Anker Braided Lightning Cables: https://amzn.to/2To8dlr
Anker PowerPort Wall Charger: https://amzn.to/2TqZ7nL
Anker Soundbuds Slim+: https://amzn.to/2Twy22U
Bonfoto Camera Tripod: https://amzn.to/2NCMssz
Glif Quick Release Tripod Mount: https://amzn.to/2NESUzj
Joby GorillaPod 3K Tripod: https://amzn.to/2NBXX3L
R0DE Smartlav+ Lavelier Mic: https://amzn.to/2tKvfnV
R0DE VideoMic Me-L Mic: https://amzn.to/2ILlhgw
Apple Watch Bands: http://bit.ly/SouthernStraps
Get $50 off Aussie Broadband NBN: http://bit.ly/AussieBroadband